I have a problem
I see a doctor once per month
For Depression
For Bipolar?
Or for the reason that someone contacted a Doctor Chen for me. She is a doctor that likes to donate Sigmund Freud to other people. Now, I heard about it but that’s not what I want.
I heard about doctors that donate diseases that will make people sick for fun. In 1995 chickenpox was a big thing. It is diseases like this that make people sick. I might got infection.
There are even diseases that they infect people to make them look for GOD. Like I said so many times before just read the Bible. Just read the Bible. GOD damn you just read the Bible forever. It doesn’t matter what they want. If they say GOD, just point toward the Bible.
I discover the big news: on 12-22-2021, Wednesday, that I might not be allowed to work.
I took all my vaccines. Now what do you have to say!
I need money.
Need a job.
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