I am an old enough woman who is still talking about love and life. I am still searching for a boyfriend, and trying to live my life. Making it not so good, since the Chinese community are giving me a lot of problems.
The Chinese do not respect anyone. They have illegally switching my name behind my back believing it is in the order of GOD that you need a new name. I am from Germany Church and we are never supposed to change our name because of insurance policy problems. My family sold everything I have and try to make sure I am poor all in my life. My family make a promises in front of my face that I will be poor. The reason for this is because I was not born in this country and I am not Chinese because they keep selling my ID.
You know old people back in the days, year1980's, they believe in doing good. They had everything. They told people to buy insurance to protect kids. They make sure people join unions to work for a job and pay for union protections. They got everything providing those working people. But the problem is these working people don't want to pay for a damn thing. They don't even want to pay for their own insurance. They switch ID cards with children, to get it good, without medical protection.
My family are also trying to make sure I am uneducated. They told me it is better off I was never educated. I make do with what I have. I learn things from the internet to make sure I can get a job. I used to do design. Then they try to sell my ID to someone else to get a better life. I can no longer keep my health and job. They even claim I work for a printing press company and that all my copyright has to be sold. They are all not true. I never worked for any printing press company.
As for my love life. It’s still wonderful to have someone to talk to once a while. But the Chinese believe I am not allowed to date. They connect my phone to 911 to harass me on all my phone calls. They got acupuncture doctors to put needles on my face to scar it. They all Chinese hates me because I am not Chinese. I was born in a different country then bought back to China to be shipped to America to be sold.
Joselin from winter.
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