It seems that I am not into fantasy kind of writing. I do like fantasy and science fictions. But never watched Star Wars. I should pick up the topic science fiction. Since I liked science fiction a lot, but my writing style topic is always about difficulty in real life.
The reality of thinking about meeting a boyfriend. The reality of all the difficulty disabled people face in their life. I write about this kind of topics.
I never wrote science fiction. I listened to music from Ai no Kusabi but never really feel related to the love story, because its just about guys who live in the future. I read the written fiction on Ai no Kusabi, the ending having them committing suicide on cloning a thousand years later. How do you explain it? Maybe this year, I should pick up writing science fiction.
In real life, cloning objects are a mystery, we usually don't know what happen to them after the news is over. In fiction, you can make believe anything can happen. Why choose suicide? That's the story in Ai no Kusabi, it makes you think about weirdo stuff. This is related to anti suicide act.
You know your science fiction guys have a lot of people dying in this!
But who will have the happy ending in fiction?
There should be a category for happiness fiction, for people who want to see happy endings. Santa got a lot of those!?
As for my writing topics, I do something reality related and add in the fictional part. Of course, I want spicy for my story. Science fiction brings in the background. The real spicy comes from what I will do with my story. I want to make it real happening. A real good read. I feel it might be the process that I have to bring my reader through. But sometime, I think the whole thing just need all the things to happen from my reality check. The reality check is I want to write about reality so nothing fictional should be suggested. But the problem is we are all reading fictional stories. Listening to fictional stories in songs. I want to include all of these. Like the song by Dido, Thank you, I once did a drawing on the song lyrics. Then I stopped doing the story. I ended up writing a story on "Day Dreaming Bakery". It turned out to be a regular story about a girl who works in a bakery. Could have make things happen, all kinds of things happen in bakery. Including a dating story. You guy likes to have some nice bakery bread. Lots of people did bakery story, science fiction can happen like adopted by aliens at the bakery.
Happy New year.
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