You know where you live! Everyone you see are beautiful powdered people. People dress up in uniform and put on makeup looking dotted. All black and white dotted lips. I opened my window and the dotted lips are across on the window in the opposite side. I feel excluded because they are all beautiful white skin tones. I am the only one with yellow skin tone. They all look at me with smiles with dotted lips.

I don’t know what to say I call them uncles and aunties. I sometimes think will I ever look like them when I grow up? The poster they post is unknown to me. They all told me to be nice and polite. I practice the art by being with my friends. My friends are all white with dotted lips. I feel they are all better looking sometimes. The guilt in me wanted to try hard in everything I do.
It was not the point. Every dot I played are being. Dots are not included in my study. Why they all look good and leaving me in mystery.
It was the first dot did not belong to me. The hemisphere all access deletion. The first dot was the northern. We all exists only in the south where dreams all fairy and far butterflies are all crafted to be something else. They are all like eyeballs flying to see me and you. We were all told do not catch the butterflies powders especially the giant moth. You never know what it means ended up eating all the dotted powders in township restaurant.
I think the dots are all white. The old men all laughing at me when when they saw me because they know I don’t know what’s going on. If it were every matter where powders can fly, is the day you die on ashes in the wind. How can beauty last till the end.
All township ever had were a lot of old people. Every young person are all gone out leaving for work. No one ever said a word about coming back. I think you just don’t know where your place is in the middle of all names. Dotted by sin or virtue.
Ghost Joselin
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