It seems that I am not into fantasy kind of writing. I do like fantasy and science fictions. But never watched Star Wars. I should pick up the topic science fiction. Since I liked science fiction a lot, but my writing style topic is always about difficulty in real life. The reality of thinking about meeting a boyfriend. The reality of all the difficulty disabled people face in their life. I write about this kind of topics. I never wrote science fiction. I listened to music from Ai no Kusabi but never really feel related to the love story, because its just about guys who live in the future. I read the written fiction on Ai no Kusabi, the ending having them committing suicide on cloning a thousand years later. How do you explain it? Maybe this year, I should pick up writing science fiction. In real life, cloning objects are a mystery, we usually don't know what happen to them after the news is over. In fiction, you can make believe anything can happen. Why choose suicide?...
Just something people talk about once-a-while or sometimes