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Looks and click Never seen flowers like this

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Looks and clicks

50. Ugly Chen is fucking me up on iphone

Wanted to fuck up my life because you have money! Stupid doctor Chen. Got your ugly little whore fucking up my phone today. Filling out medical report on what’s on my phone. I put everything in the internet telling you. You better stay away from me. You ugly hole. You better not have your people contact me. I will sue you for 5billion dollars. Fucking me up and my hair ugly Chen! Calling me names I couldn’t marry a ugly white boy. You can go to hell.

Ugly Chinese food

I hate Chinese food.

48. Hong Kong church is prostitution cut off my face

Hey, NYPD wanted money for the Chinese to cut off eyebrows making you happy ugly whore. Cut off my face. Cut off my face. Dreaming more money for your Chinese ugly whore doctors Chen. Real free money for her. She cut off my face.

47. I am on target g==ugly whore

It seems like a lot of people will fuck me up if I get a cash paying job.

46. Chinese with ID on voting prostitute

Wow, Chinese voting rights. They all voted for illegal immigrantions and the right to sell IDs. They sign people up for free prostitution because their home country have it legal. They sell it to your life and make sure you can do it for free.  Except no one have money but food stamps. More picture of me Makes you happy Chinese I look ugly like this. Ugly NYPD helps you out. Make sure I look like this.

45. Wow

There is a Buddha group fucking me up because the only religion European got are byddaha.

44. want to tell people I look ugly?

I know you cut off my eyebrows. Cut up my face. Blow up my noise. Just to make sure I look ugly Chinese Buddha.  Tell people what you can do to make sure they are so ugly. Couldn’t get a job. Making sure you Chinese are the only woolen can have a job.

43. Things we don’t talk about: motivation

Motivation: some people are afraid of talking about it because they don’t want to motivate anyone. What I find to be the most interesting in motivation advertising is clothing slogan. The black community has the best. They put motivation words all over on clothing, bags, shoes. Where ever they go, it can be seen and heard. Those people are usually with a job, family, friends, who does it by walking around in their neighborhood.